The Seychelles are known as one of the most picturesque island groups worldwide, boasting breathtaking scenic vistas. But do they live up to the hype? The only way to ascertain this is to explore them firsthand, as we did. Having visited various other islands like Hawaii, the Canary Islands, and Mauritius, we were keen to compare them to this proclaimed paradise.

We landed on Mahe, the largest and main island, among the expansive archipelago of over 115 islands, some of which remain untouched and deserted.

True to our imagination, the island is lush with hills and small mountains aplenty. Naturally, the beach is the first attraction you'd want to delve into. The waters are pristine, shimmering in a hue of sparkling blue. Although stunning, we weren't entirely convinced that these were the world's most beautiful beaches. However, the magical underwater life, bustling with colorful fish amidst the reefs, added a distinct charm.

A hallmark of the Seychelles is the gigantic turtles that inhabit these islands. They are playful, always hungry, making feeding them a popular tourist activity.

Once satiated with the beach, hiking is a recommended endeavor. The island is benign with no dangerous fauna; even the spiders are harmless. The abundant flora is awe-inspiring, as if the most exquisite plants worldwide converged on this little island.

The Seychelles' landscape is notable for its unique granite boulders, honed into their present shapes by millennia of rainwater erosion, ranging from modest sizes to the stature of small mountains.

Venturing into the capital, Victoria, on the main island, is a must. We opted for a local bus ride for a more authentic experience, albeit a tad adventurous given the bus's condition.

The quaint Victoria, one of the world's smallest capitals, resembles a small town more than a city, complete with a miniature replica of London's Big Ben, commemorating the Seychelles' crowning as a colony in 1903.

The bustling local market is a haven to immerse in the local culture and snag some souvenirs like indigenous spices.

Upon exploring Mahe, it's time to island-hop. Praslin Island, the second largest, is a short ferry ride or a quicker flight away. The ferry ride proved a bit rough, but reaching the serene Praslin Island, particularly the picturesque Grand Anse beach, made the ordeal worthwhile.

The island is a cozy, romantic escape with pristine beaches, crystalline waters, and a quaint seaside restaurant where you can savor seafood delicacies.

Our next stop was La Digue, a brief boat ride away. This smaller island, with its limited vehicular presence and quaint town, charmed us instantly.

Our first stop was a modest coconut factory, showcasing the intriguing process of coconut oil extraction.

A short distance away lies the exquisite Anse Source d’Argent Beach, epitomizing paradise with its iconic boulder formations, azure waters, and silken sand. Snorkeling here unveils an equally mesmerizing underwater realm.

Now we can affirm - we've discovered paradise. The Seychelles, with its tranquil ambiance juxtaposed with adventurous opportunities, offers a perfect escape for those seeking a serene beach haven with a dash of excitement. Though we explored just three islands, the Seychelles has a plethora more to unveil, beckoning us for a return visit someday.